We at IranOnline believe that today’s children will be the makers of tomorrow’s societies. It is them who will be responsible for preserving and carrying forward our culture, history, hopes, and aspirations. Therefore, when our children have to carry such burden in the future, we must devote more resources and attention to them today. It is based on this premise that Iran Online has decided to devote a section to our children.
We hope to be able to expand this section and make it a meeting place for all Iranian kids and youths. We invite you to help us and make this possible by sending us your comments and materials that you think may be suitable for our “Kids & Youth World” section. These may include short stories, cartoons, songs and …….. We also invite you to send us drawings and paintings that are done by your children to be displayed in the Kid’s Gallery for a limited period of time. Please refer to the SUBSCRIBER FURNISHED MATERIAL AGREEMENT for instructions on how to send us your input.
Let us work together and provide a forum that would promote Iranian culture and help uncover hidden talents in our children.
Manou & Associates Inc. is sponsoring this effort as part of its Iran Online Internet site. This database will be freely available and accessible to anyone with Internet access. It consists of the following sections:
Iran Regions and ethnic groups
Classical and contemporary literature
Folk, classical and contemporary music
Children and Youth literature and educational programs
Food recipes
Iran Regions and ethnic groups- We invite you to become part of this great undertaking and help us make available unbiased representations of all ethnic groups and regions that together form our beloved Iran. We are extending our hands to you cultural groups and individuals to work with us and present your heritage and culture in a manner worthy of our proud people. This invitation is extended to all Iranians across the globe. Following is the initial format for the information that will be available about each region and minority group:
Geography, History, Language or dialogue, Traditions, Pictures of sites, monuments, people, Music, Food recipes.
Literature- We are asking all of you who have enjoyed and touched by the richness and tenderness of Iranian literature and believe in sharing the same joy with others to work with us. Lets together make this treasure available to all people. We are specifically inviting Iranian writers, poets, and publishers inside and outside of Iran to work with us and make portions of their publications available to be posted as part of this on-line database. We are also asking those individuals who would like to support this effort to help us type selected works of our writers and poets and make them available to us in a computer format. In all cases, we will observe and respect U.S. Copyright laws.
Folk, classical and contemporary music- We are inviting all of you Iranian musicians, composers, singers and producers of music tapes and compact disks who have been giving joy and pleasures to Iranians inside and outside of Iran, to work with us. Lets together make portions of your work available as part of this undertaking to Iranians.
Children and youth literature- We are asking all you educators, all you mothers and fathers to help us make available educational programs for our Iranian kids and youths of today and tomorrow. Let Iranian children all have a chance to get to know Iran and the essence of being Iranian regardless of where they may live. Let us bring our children back home. The format that is currently considered for this site is as follows:
Iranian children stories in Persian (text and audio)
Iranian children stories in English
Children songs and music
Food recipes- We are inviting all of you who have mastered the art of Persian cooking and are capable of creating the magical taste and aroma that is unique to Persian cuisine to work with us. Together, let us develop the most comprehensive online Persian recipe book. The goal is to include food recipes from all the regions of Iran.
We are also inviting all you Iranians who value this effort and its objectives and would like to be part of it to help us with information gathering, translation, editing and typing of the materials.
Any support and assistance that we receive toward this effort are on a voluntary basis. The contributing individuals and groups will be credited for their contribution and volunteering effort. Iran Online is dedicating a section to introduce individuals and organizations (non-business related) whose support to this effort surpasses the casual contributor.
Let us join forces. Let this be an experiment that people with differing viewpoints can work together to realize the same goal which benefits everybody. History has shown that, if the cause is just, individuals and groups will recognize it and will support it. Your initial responses have been all positive and we are hopeful that you too begin to share the same enthusiasms as we do.
We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please send us an email and tell us how you want to become part of this endeavor.
Iran Online
Children Stories داستان برای کودکان