Master Bagher Aghamiri استاد باقر آقامیری

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استاد باقر آقامیری

He was born in Daryasogand, Bijar, 1950. He achieved a literature diploma from Tehran’s Technical School in 1971, B.A. in painting from the University of Art in 1983, MA. in Graphic from College of Fine Arts, Tehran University and Doctorate degree in Iranian and Islamic Painting from high Council of Culture and Arts of Islamic Republic of Iran.



Winner of the gold medal from Algeria world exposition in 1987
Elected servant of Quran in 2001
Nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in culture in 1983
Selected as a word master from World of art in 2011

Several divans of Hafiz
Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh
The holy Quran
Saadi’s Gulistan and Bustan and odes
The Rubaiyat of Khayyam
Nezami Khamseh
Persian folk songs
Stories of the prophets
Mother’s bok
Poems and ghazals of Shams (Molana)
The poetical of Rudaki
Divans of Bidel Dehlavi
Hero and heroic book

England (1975-1998)
Hungary (1972)
Pakistan (1982)
Bangladesh (1983)
Algeria (1987)
Canada (1989-1988)
America, Seattle (1990)
China (1989-1988)
Tajikestan (1989)
Azerbaijan (1989)
Malasia (1998)
Swizerland, Geneva (1999)
Cyprus (2000)
India (2002)
South Africa, Pretoria, Cape (2003)
America, Los Angeles, Virginia (2003)
Texas, New York, Washington (2001)
Japan (2003)
Turkey (2002)
Rom, Italy (1386/3)
Kuwait (1386/11)
Greece (2009)
Seoul, South Korea (2012)